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All you need to know about Rie aka Suzaku biography, discography, news, interviews, tour dates and more Distrolution Home of independant rock bands and labels Your one stop destination for every DIY & independant rock, punk, hardcore, metal bands and labels, and more !Jul 27, 19 · Biography Becoming a solo artist in 10, Rie aka Suzaku is a guitarist originally from Kanagawa Prefecture A musician from an early age, she was in the band ' 鸞(らん)' in 08, although it was only for a year and a halfLossless Albums » FLAC 16 bit » Rie aka Suzaku Best of Instrumental () FLAC Genres FLAC 16 bit / Rock / Asian Music 2511, 0901 81 aleXs All music Rie aka Suzaku Rie A K A Suzaku Discography Discogs Rie a.k.a. suzaku instagram

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